
How to create a new project

  1. Navigate to your project folder in your command line.
  2. Run walter rise <PACKAGE_NAME> to initialize a new project, if you don't specify a name it is created in the current directory with the current directories name if it is empty.

Default project structure

  • src/main.rl
  • .gitignore
  • walter.yml

All source files are placed in src/.

src/main.rl is the main build target.

walter.yml should contain a name and version key, which are both strings.

name: <NAME>

CLI Documentation

Run walter help <COMMAND?> to see info about a specific command, or to see info about the entire program. You can add --help or -h to get help aswell.

There used to be a documentation here, but it was not up to date and became a hassle to update. Please refer to the cli instead.